Aric Ohana

Ori Sagie
Series Seed in 2021
Acquired 2023
About Envoy
Envoy is a community-based shared mobility platform providing on-demand electric vehicles to apartments, workplaces, and hotels as an exclusive amenity; Mobility as an Amenity™ where you live, work, or stay. Envoy equips the real estate industry with the most effective tool for attracting and retaining residents by giving them what they actually need and want – affordable transportation. Envoy’s business model is designed to be low/no cost to the property and much more affordable than owning a vehicle for residents. Help your residents reduce their cost of living and stay in your community with Envoy on-demand vehicles. Learn more:
We are extremely grateful for the partnership we have built with the team at Building Ventures. They are not only investors but true partners, advisers, and confidants. As a start-up it is imperative to have open, honest discussions of how to approach the multitude of circumstances that arise each day and at each phase of the company. Having a team you can trust to brainstorm and strategize with openly, is immensely beneficial.
-Aric Ohana