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BVIN Fall 2023 Videos | Canoa Webinar

As we’re reflecting on a year that has been filled with highs, lows, and periods of uncertainty for venture capital, we’re feeling particularly grateful for such a committed community. We’re pleased to share that all the videos from our BVIN Fall Summit in Boston this October are live on the BVIN website. Reviewing these recordings over the last week, our team was struck by the quality exchanges that happen when we gather members of our network. The candor of conversations about digital transformations, the parallels to data issues faced by industries like healthcare, and the thought-provoking questions from our audience members. While we’d love to fully credit our topic or lineup, we know this points to something more important: At the end of the day, BVIN members are passionate about working together to move the industry forward. We can’t wait to see where that takes us all in 2024.

Before we close out this year, though, we want to share a roundup of exciting news from our portfolio companies. Canoa launched its new AI-powered recommendation engine and more, and BVIN members can watch a behind-the-scenes preview. We have lots of more product announcements below, as well as exciting new hires, customer profiles, and features in Fast Company and Forbes. See the full list below.

We look forward to seeing you in 2024, and, in the meantime, we’re wishing you all the happiest of holiday seasons!

– The BV Team

Portfolio News & Activity

In the media

🗓️ Commercial Observer featured both Skillit and Measurabl as notable examples of proptech industry trends in 2023. Read the piece.

Fast Company featured Hypar in a recent article on startups revolutionizing the way architects work. Take a look. 🧑‍💻

🏆 Join Digital was named a a finalist for Wi-Fi Now’s Best Startup of 2023. This category recognizes Wi-Fi startups that offer the best value propositions and represent significant technical and promising commercial business models.

Construction Dive ranked Built Robotics’ RPD35 pile driver in its top 5 robots all contractors need to know about. Read the list. ✍️

🏠 News12 reported that Dandelion geothermal will be used in a new affordable housing project in Westchester County, New York. This project will be the first to drill below 500 feet since the passing of the new Geothermal Borehole Law in September by State Sen. Pete Harckham.. Check out the story.

Elephant Energy’s Heather Stephensen shared her tips for hosting this holiday season with Forbes. (Hint: It’s a must to stay warm and cozy.) Read here. 🐘 ⚡️

On the move

🎓 and Clearstory attended Autodesk University in Las Vegas.

The Mosaic team attended IMN’s Single Family Rental Conference. 🏘

Skillit’s Rachael Becker led a workshop at the Construction Industry Education Foundation Women in Construction Conference in Sacramento, CA. 👷‍♀️

🌎 Aeroseal, 75F, and enVerid joined Breakthrough Energy at COP28. enVerid CEO Christian Weeks shared his thoughts on the event here.

New products and more

Clearstory shared its latest customer profile: a feature on Anderson Commercial Flooring. Take a look. 🛠️

🤝 Mezo announced a new integration with Yardi, an industry-leading investment and property management software.

🏥 Hypar launched a pilot specifically for healthcare space planning. See if it’s a fit for your team.

UpCodes released its latest new feature, Assemblies. Now, users can surface over 10,000 UL assemblies in the platform using Search or Copilot. Check it out here. 🤖

🚀 75F announced Saffron AI, the first AI platform for commercial buildings. Read more about the Saffron and the beta.

Canoa 2.0 launched, with an infinite design canvas and an AI-powered recommendation tool. Learn more here or watch the BVIN webinar. 🛶

Aeroseal rolled out AeroSuite. This technology improves the Aeroseal dealer experience, with a redesigned user interface, the ability to search through customers and previous jobs, and more. 📱

👏 The Measurabl team welcomes Maureen Waters as new Chief Growth Officer to spearhead sales, marketing, and solutions engineering. More here.

The BV portfolio is looking for new team members focused on engineering, accounting, HVAC installation, and more. Check out the 50+ open roles here. 👀

BVIN Updates

BVIN Fall Summit 2023 Videos Live

We’re excited to share the recordings of all the sessions from our recent summit focused on data in the built environment. BVIN members can log in here to access all the recordings and the full photo gallery. Let us know if you need help logging in.

BVIN Webinar: Canoa 2.0

Last week, CEO Fed Negro & more members of the Canoa team shared a special behind-the-scenes look at the platform’s new infinite canvas AI-powered recommendation tool. Members can watch that here.

BV Updates

BV Makes PERE Proptech Top 20

Private Equity and Real Estate News included Building Ventures on its annual list of top firms investing in proptech. Travis shared his perspective on the industry’s current investment climate and its direction for next year here. 🏆

Jesse spoke with Matt Knight about BV’s portfolio construction strategy, the productization of buildings, and more on Matt’s podcast. You can take a look at the conversation recap or subscribe to listen here.

This fall, Travis attended CRETech New York and the New York Climate week to support portfolio companies, Aeroseal, Enverid, Measurabl, and Dandelion.

Heather spoke at Propmodo and NYSERDA’s Proptech Challenge, a part of New York Real Estate Week. In a panel moderated by Ryan Baxter, Heather, Zach Aarons of Metaprop, and Jeanne Casey of Nuveen discussed ventures’s role in decarbonizing our buildings.

Last month, Heather and Mayra attended the annual All Raise Summit in San Francisco.

Allen recently joined Plug and Play for a discussion on construction technology, the current investment landscape, innovating with AI, and more.

Building Ventures invests in companies that are reshaping the way we design, build, operate and experience our built environment. Do you know a founder we simply have to meet? Send them here!

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